The Dwarf Sports Association UK (DSAuk) created a piece of history over the 2021 late May holiday weekend in becoming the first National Disability Sports Organisation to be awarded an official GUINNESS

DSAuk New Website

DSAuk launch new website. On Friday 7th May, DSAuk launched their new website at The new website has a fresh vibrant look and an impressive new resources section to support both

World Cup Powerlifting 2021

DSAuk members triumph at the World Para Powerlifting World Cup in Manchester. Taking place between 25-28 March, the World Para-powerlifting World Cup was the first event of its kind to be held

Mental Health and Wellbeing Part 6 – Working from Home

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 we have all had to adjust to new ways of living and working. Many people may have been working from home since the beginning of the initial

Exercise, Health and Wellbeing Resources

DSAuk, in partnership with the other physical impairment National Disability Sports Organisations, Cerebral Palsy Sport, LimbPower and WheelPower, have pooled all of their available resources into a single document.

Workout with GB Parabadminton Player Krysten Coombs

Hi DSA I hope you find these exercise ideas helpful and easy to use.None of these exercises should cause you any pain, so if they do please stop immediately and get in

Mental Health and Wellbeing Part 5 – Breathing Techniques

‘Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life….’ Giovanni Papini Breathing is a necessity of life that usually occurs without much thought. Proper breathing is an antidote to stress.

DSAuk Junior & Senior Challenges.

Following on from the U11 Virtual Games, which proved to be a success, the DSAuk is launching the Junior & Senior equivalent. The DSA have put together some challenges for our Junior

DSAuk to launch its new Instagram page on 1st September

The Dwarf Sports Association UK is expanding their online presence and as of Tuesday 01st September the charity will be launching their own ‘Instagram’ page. Instagram is becoming increasingly popular among teens

The DSAuk make face masks to beat Covid-19

The DSAuk make face masks to beat Covid-19

Mental Health and Wellbeing Part 4 – Resilience

Everyone experiences challenges in life from those small daily events to larger events with more lasting impact. Each challenge affects everyone differently. Generally, we adapt well to these situations, due mainly to

Mental Health and Wellbeing Part 3 – Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a technique/skill that can help to reduce the intensity of difficult emotions or thoughts we are experiencing, by allowing our brain to refocus its attention on what is going on