Showing 217-228 of 363 posts
North West Learn to Ski sessions
North West Learn to Ski sessions The North West Region have started a new learn to ski group. For the young members who are not quite ready to start on the nursery
ebay donations If you are an eBay user and you use it to sell items, you can help the DSA easily as you sell your unwanted items. When uploading your items
Annual accounts and trustees reports can be downloaded in word format by clicking here
Dwarf athletes win six medals in London for Paralympic Team GB
What an amazing two weeks of sport. The Olympics fortnight was brilliant with the most successful team Great Britain has ever had, but that was only the start of the incredible sport
Two more days of success in the London Aquatic Centre for DSAuk swimmers
Two more days of success in the London Aquatic Centre for DSAuk swimmers The last couple of days have been exciting in the London aquatic centre, with both Matt Whorwood and Ellie
On the 14th October Jack Burke will be running the Liverpool Marathon in support of the DSAuk, North West Region. If you wish to donate to the DSA North West region in
DSAuk Patrons Ellie Simmonds and Matt Whorwood are triumphant in the pool
DSAuk Patrons Ellie Simmonds and Matt Whorwood are triumphant in the pool All of the members of the DSAuk sat glued to their TV's last night as Ellie Simmonds and
Nick Beaumont New DSAUK Parent Representative
New Parent Representative on the Operational Committee The DSAuk operational committee would like to try and stay in touch with its members, both full members and associate members. So for this reason
Zoe Newson lifts her way to a Bronze Medal
Zoe Newson lifts her way to a Bronze Medal Zoe Newson wins a Bronze medal in the Powerlifting at the London Paralympic Games. As a member of the DSAuk and with
DSAuk Boccia and Badminton weekend
DSAuk Boccia and Badminton weekend This weekend saw the very best Boccia and Badminton players meet in Birmingham for the DSAuk National Tournament. The event was held over three days and showcased