The Dwarf Sports Association UK invited their members, family, friends and everyone connected to the association to join them to create a number of new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS titles during what would have been the 2021 National Games weekend, from Saturday 29th May to Monday 31st May.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the results from all the record attempts or watch the whole of the Guinness World Records Champions Arena show in the video below to see how DSAuk itself along with its members, family and friends got on.


There were lots of great attempts by all of the finalists to create new records . If you want to read about the finalists attempts in the Champions Arena show click HERE for the news article, or carry on down to see the results and click on the links to the various pages to see what the participants had to do.

Watch the DSAuk’s members, families, friends and partners to see how we all achieved the new Guinness World Records title for the “longest online video chain of people catching and passing a tennis ball”


You can also watch the GWR Launch Show from Saturday 29th May again here

The results for all of the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title challenges attempted over the weekend as Teams of 4, Teams of 2 or Individuals can be seen below. Click on the Orange coloured titles to see the qualifying leader boards for each challenge and what the participants had to do to reach the Champions Arena:

A fantastic effort by DSAuk with a new record of 444 people in the “longest online video chain of people catching and passing a tennis ball. Congratulations, you are all officially amazing”.

Finlay Davidson made a great effort in the Champions Arena show with a time of 33.22 seconds for the paper plane challenge, which unfortunately was just short of the current time to beat.

Fern Sneddon went all out in the Champions Arena show with her Star Jumps and acheived a total of 39 jumps. Sadly this was just one jump short of a new record.

Brother and sister, Josh and Aimee Grist went through to the Champions Arena show and got 3 coins in their cups. Another great effort but not quite a record.

Josh Coomer and Jacob Deedman were like grease lightning in the Champions Arena show and made a new record of 9.61 seconds. Josh and Jacob, you are officially amazing.

A team from our Scotland region, the “Star Jumping Scots”, comprising Hailey Davidson, Megan Purvis, Colin Brown and Finlay Davidson set a new world record of 19.95 seconds in the Champions Arena show. Well done to the Star Jumping Scots, you are officially amazing.

Thanks to everyone who participated in any of the Guinness World Records title attempts.