A new Ten-year strategy sets out how the Dwarf Sports Association UK will develop its services to engage, support and ensure quality delivery and opportunity for people with dwarfism in sport and recreation.
The DSAuk has published its Strategy for 2023–2033 in early 2023. The 10-year strategy outlines our core mission, vision, values and focus to drive our work forward. We look forward to the future and building on the last ten-year strategy which has resulted in an impressive growth of the charity.
There are around 3500 people with achondroplasia and another 2500 to 3000 people with other types of bone dysplasia’s that can restrict growth. The DSA plan to offer appropriate and inspiring sport and activity for all our members of all ages through our comprehensive network of DSAuk regions and external partners.
The new strategy will use our strong network of community organisations in the sport world to tackle inequalities and improve access that lead to an active life.
Work has already begun on delivering the strategy, the DSAuk received an investment from Sport England in April 2022 so the DSAuk can take part in its “Uniting the Movement strategy”, which will be used to support the sector to recover from the impact of the Covid-19 crisis and ongoing cost of living crisis. It will help us to work together with the sports sector to achieve our vision over the next ten-years.
Our Mission
To offer everyone with dwarfism in the United Kingdom inclusive sporting and recreational activities, regardless of their location, sporting ability or financial circumstances.
Our Vision
- All dwarfs are supported to lead fulfilling, active and healthy lives
- All families of children born with dwarfism are engaged in what DSAuk has to offer
- An evolving regional structure facilitates a range of sport and recreational activities
- DSAuk continues to be recognised as the expert in sport and physical activity for people with dwarfism throughout the world
- All sporting organisations know what DSAuk does and advocate on our behalf
Our Commitment to Equality
DSAuk offers sporting and recreational opportunities which are accessible to everyone with dwarfism in the United Kingdom, regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation or identity, location, sporting ability or financial circumstances.
Our Values
- We want every dwarf to feel good because of what we do
- We are proud to use the word “dwarf”
- There should be no barriers caused by any sort of disability or difference
- We value uniqueness and diversity
- We are a member and family led organisation
How we Work
- We care, support, inspire and empower
- We are accountable to our members
- We value our members’ opinions and respond to their views
- We encourage networking and mutual support among members and families
- We celebrate achievement at all levels and present positive images to the world
- We influence, educate and champion sporting and recreational opportunities for people with dwarfism
- We create, lead, maintain and value positive partnerships at all levels
- We are straight talking about health and well-being for dwarfs
- We value the work of our staff and volunteers
- We strive to be good employers and work towards best practice
For UK sport and recreation
- Continue to evolve and support a strong regional presence which connects our network throughout the UK
- Increase the range of sport and recreational opportunities for dwarfs to participate in and enjoy at all levels
- Work with National Governing Bodies and the British Paralympic Association on appropriate classifications, exemptions and adaptations for dwarfs
- Continue to create recognised sporting pathways at all levels
- Use the system partner network to access mainstream sports resources
For international sport 
- Influence and support the development of sports for dwarfs world-wide
- Be actively involved in building a world-wide network of sporting opportunities for dwarfs
- Enhance the development of dwarf sports organisations around the world
For improving the health and well-being of dwarfs
- Develop and deliver accessible advice on health and well-being for dwarfs through sport and physical activity
- Develop and maintain a holistic support network for dwarfs and their families
- Develop, lead and contribute to sport-specific and general research into health and well-being issues for dwarfs
- Work with system partners to improve knowledge and understanding of dwarfs within the medical professions throughout the UK
- Provide up to date information and encourage DSAuk members to obtain appropriate services and support wherever they live in the UK
For members’ personal development
- Encourage dwarfs to develop skills and abilities to enable them to take up various opportunities within sport
- Open up opportunities for training, leadership and employment
- Encourage dwarfs in all walks of life to act as role models and mentors
For DSAuk’s development
- Support DSAuk regions to be effective, self-sufficient and sustainable
- Enable the regions to inform DSAuk development and contribute to furthering DSA’s strategic aims
- Work with DSA priority system partners to build a network of opportunity and play a part in “Uniting the Movement”.
- Secure the resources to enable DSAuk to implement its strategic objectives and ensure that the organisation is self-sustaining
- Encourage and support dwarfs to contribute to running and managing DSAuk
- Support all members to act as DSAuk ambassadors
- Embrace and use social media to maximise DSA’s reach and potential