DSA President and Chair receive O.B.E

DSA President and Chair receive O.B.E Penny and Arthur Dean are being awarded the O.B.E today at Buckingham Palace. They are being honoured by the Queen for all their hard work over

Jess keeps up the good work

Jess keeps up the good work on the BBC Children in Need Rickshaw Challenge.      DSA member Jess keeps up her super human effort on The Children in Need Rickshaw Challenge. She

Jess sets off on her Rickshaw Challenge

Jess sets off on her Rickshaw Challenge Early this morning Jess set off from Salford on the Children in Need Rickshaw Challenge. Members of the DSA turned out very early to see

2015 London Marathon – DSA announces their runner!

Pete's Blog 20.4.15...the final week before the Big Day!          Marathon Training. One week to go!! Hi guys, one week to go so time for a quick final update

The One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge

Northampton Teen to Undertake The One Show’s Rickshaw Challenge  Sixteen year old Jesswill be part of Team Rickshaw 2014 forBBC Children in Need        The One Show has announced the

Para-Badminton Approved for 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo

BREAKING NEWS: Para-Badminton Approved for 2020 Paralympic Games Para-badminton athletes will make their debut in the 2020 Paralympic Games, the International Paralympic Committee’s Governing Board announced yesterday following a meeting in Berlin,

Sport England invests a further £2.1 million to get more disabled people playing sport

Sport England invests a further £2.1 million to get more disabled people playing sport Sport England has today provided a further boost to disability sport by awarding £2.1 million of National Lottery

DSAUK, RGA and LPUK working on new project with NSH Medical Team

First Dwarfism Symposium As Chair of The Dwarf Sports Association uk I would like to join with the Chairs of The Child Growth Foundation, The Little People of Ireland, The Restricted Growth

European ParaBadminton Championships

Over the week of the 8th to the 12th September six members of the DSAuk from England, Scotland and Ireland travelled to Murcia in Spain to play for their country in the

Job Vacancies

Job Vacancies at the DSAUK 2 Full Member Graduate Regional Officers Full Time Flexi Hours with some weekend working Minimum term of 6 months, expanding to 12 months should funding permit £18,000

Newcastle Achondroplasia Symposium Further Information and Survey

Further information regarding the 1st Newcastle Achondroplasia Symposium. There are now only 5 weeks left until the 1st Newcastle Achondroplasia Symposium takes place on 20th and 21st September 2014. Michael Wright has


LPUK Convention in Grantham. The DSAuk will be providing an information stand at the LPuk convention in Grantham at the end of August. we'll also be putting on an activity session during