January 2025 marks the 10th anniversary of Sport England’s groundbreaking This Girl Can campaign, which first launched in 2015. Over the past decade, the initiative has inspired millions of women and girls across the UK to get active in ways that suit their individual lifestyles, challenging stereotypes and removing barriers to participation in sport and physical activity.

The campaign’s message has always been clear: every woman and girl can embrace the joy of movement, whether that’s in a gym, on a football pitch, or simply dancing in their living room. With its inclusive approach, This Girl Can has played a pivotal role in breaking down social stigmas around women and exercise, promoting body confidence, and making activity accessible to all.

Celebrating Women in Dwarf Sports

The Dwarf Sports Association UK (DSAuk) is proud to champion this milestone while celebrating the incredible achievements of women and girls in dwarf sports. Across regional and national events, women have showcased their talent, perseverance, and passion, not just in recreational activities but also on the international stage at elite levels of competition.

Through its events, DSAuk continues to empower women to engage with sport, build confidence, and form strong community connections.

How to Get Involved

DSAuk encourages women to join in the celebration and take the first steps toward getting active. If you’re interested in arranging a women’s-only event in your region, DSAuk invites you to reach out to Tom for support and guidance to make this happen. Together, let’s continue to inspire more women and girls to enjoy the many benefits of sports and physical activity.

Here’s to another decade of breaking boundaries, building confidence, and celebrating every woman’s right to move her way.